


2023-06-08 16:03分类: 周易算命 阅读:


















Qiao on the other hand would n

The has nine , but he was only, , at the third floor.

“I’ve only been in the level once; the there were of the Royal level. As for the above , I do not know the exact for each.” Nan shook his head.

“Would level nine an True ?” Li Qiye his . Min Ren had many True his life, and Li Qiye knew that Min Ren had left a few to the sect.

Nan and : “I heard that we no have any Life . So , we also don’t have any True .”

“There is left?” Li Qiye found that hard to Min Ren didn’t just leave one. No how his might be, they ’t just throw them all away.

The crow its wings as if it to fly

The for a , but he then, , his head: “This is !”

These were only two ; they were not a . Li Qiye came with the order from the , and them him two wasn’t a big deal.

Li Qiye took down the two , so that the could write it down on the list. Li Qiye’s was , the didn’t know what to say.

his task, Li Qiye left the with his . the who were by Nan , he his steps and said: “You guys need to be Nan for your lives. If you have any about my , you go and it to the . , don’t let me deal with you the would not be on your end.”

Nan ’s was by Li Qiye, and he could only smile .

The were with fear. This , them, was a man; there was no of a -year-old boy.

Li Qiye back to his peak after his mind.

34: Dual (2)

After to the peak, Nan ’s while he at the , Li Qiye threw them to Nan . “If you want to look at them, then you can hold and look at them as much as you want.”

Nan felt after being by Li Qiye. He didn’t know why Li Qiye these , but he ’t just ask right away .

the , Nan being so , and he them; , he ’t see from them.

The two in his hands to be just made from steel, and the rust on them was proof that they ’t the test of time.

“Why did these ?” Nan that Li Qiye had to go for these when he first the .

Li Qiye and : “If you, or in the sect, could see their , then they ’t have been in the for so long.”

“What kind of is this?” Nan . He truly could not see the .

“They’re not .” Li Qiye : “They’re only two dual made out of steel. In fact, the these are made out of are worth less than the two coins over there.”

“But why…” Li Qiye’s Nan . If they were truly like Li Qiye , then why did he pick them?

Li Qiye his : “, they can cut the of Royal and as if they were tofu.”

“How is that ?!” Nan ’s heart shook when he heard this. Royal were , let alone . Since years ago, there hasn’t been a who was of the Being stage in the sect.

Li Qiye liked to see Nan ’s , and he : “You are smart, and you can the . I will not you. merit laws or Saint level ; if you want them, you will have them. If you do a good job and , I will even let you merit laws that are far more than laws.”

Li Qiye’s words were like steel rods on the drum that was Nan ’s heart. His , or even Elder Sun, ’t be able to make such a there weren’t that many known laws in the Sect. “Thank you .”

Nan his wits and bowed Li Qiye, and Li Qiye his .


After Nan left, Li Qiye held the in his hand; he the edges. He and to his past.

So what if one could an ? boy Min Ren was by him, so he was able to the ’s Will. His whole life, in all the Nine , and he the Solar as well. , in the end, he was still by the river of time.

Li Qiye the rust from the , them back to their form. The two had a , but they now an aura.

Using his hand to touch the edges, Li Qiye felt a cold from the . was in their ; these were just . , they were the that were once used by Min Ren, , when he was a boy.

Based on the , these were trash; , they used to be the main of an . Even after he , he was not to part with these ; he had them with him. Even after his , they were still by his side.

Every time he , he would take out the and them as if he to share his with the ’ soul.

Even Min Ren never the , they were with an ’s touch and by an ’s blood ; thus, even if they were made of steel, they were still . How was an ? This was the that the ’s Will and over the and the Nine .

The true value of the was not in its or , but the and the .

An ’s was . Even the two were not to a Life or True , they were than a from a

ental , then he would be an idiot for not good from bad.

When Nan saw Li Qiye’s , the first thing that came up in his mind was the Stick. His heart was he when Li Qiye the old stick from the fire place in the Grand ; all the , and , , Li Qiye was for a stick so .

, that stick had a , like Xu Hui, as if he was . Now, Li Qiye those two ? It might not be just a . He had his eyes on them since they had the .

A who was out by Nan was both angry and ; he : “Nan ! You… you dare hit me? I will this to the about…”

“Slap him. Slap him until he speak .” Li Qiye said.


From those words, Nan could feel a of anger Li Qiye. It like this was . “My .”

Nan the three times, . ”Slap, slap, slap.” Nan knew that this wasn’t just him the ’s life; this was also a trial that Li Qiye was using to test him.

Li Qiye left this alone, and he back to the : “The have on me a , so I would like to these .”

The his eyes at Li Qiye. This kid didn’t look like an idiot, so why was he so on doing so ?

It is too ; there is no that bad will .”

“So now…” Chen ’s heart a beat.








